Category General Studies

Closing Up Shop

I am tired. That is an obvious statement. I can feel my eyes reading that phrase and rolling themselves. I am however rather enjoying myself. Thrift Shop just came on. My morning is all squared away. No work for two days. I’m leaving for Rhode Island in the morning to go visit Josh, my best […]

“It is the duty…

“It is the duty of youth to challenge corruption.” – Kurt Cobain


Thursday is an amazing day. My work schedule goes Sunday through Thursday. Five hour work week, two day weekend, all very standard. I really enjoy that it is shifted from your typical schedule. I really like Thursday for a lot of reasons. Wednesday night at midnight, my pay stub for the week’s end gets posted online. It […]

Turn and Face the Strange

The last post on this blog, Ch-Ch-Changes, left off with two hours to go in my workday. That’s exactly what I thought at the time. Shortly after, two turned to three, and three turned into a ten hour work day. It was a strange day. An overly successful sales stretch made for some relaxation at […]